As we have discussed many times before in past blog posts, whistleblowers play an essential role in our society. They help protect the general public and ensure legal fairness. They often do this by reporting ethical and financial wrongdoing they witness. And, unlike...
Blow The Whistle
And Do The Right Thing
At Fischer Legal Group, we help clients aggressively pursue justice in qui tam cases.
As the situation with the COVID-19 virus continues; we want you to know that we are available to all our clients for phone consultations.
Year: 2019
Should you file an internal report before blowing the whistle?
If you witness suspicious or unlawful activity at your place of employment, you must decide how to respond. For most, an internal report is as far as the proceedings will ever go. But, depending on the severity of the offense and your company’s response, you may...
Are you prepared to be a whistleblower?
The stature of a whistleblower is often in the eyes of the beholder. One person's traitor is another person's hero. Those who choose to go public with their information will also face a lot of scrutiny, which not only can be invasive for them but also those around...
What other whistleblower activities are protected against retaliation?
In a recent blog post, we covered a few of the most critical aspects of New York’s whistleblower laws. And one of the most critical things to remember about these laws is that they exist primarily to protect whistleblowers against retaliation when they engage in a...
Can independent contractors blow the whistle?
In today’s “gig economy,” many New Yorkers work as independent contractors. The U.S. Department of Labor reported last year that nearly 1 in 10 workers were independent contractors, and that number only seems to be increasing. However, contract workers often do not...
A closer look at New York whistleblower laws
The language used to write state and federal laws can often be complex and confusing. This can be incredibly stressful when an individual is considering blowing the whistle on illegal or unethical practices in their workplace and must understand the rights and...
Whistleblower investigations: What you need to know
When whistleblowers file their claim, it might take some time before their initial report leads to an investigation. This can often be frustrating for whistleblowers who feel uncertain about their position at work, or even in their life, after filing their complaint....
Another critical look at whistleblower retaliation
With yet another development in the VA whistleblower case, it seems that their fight is far from over. VA whistleblower, Brandon Coleman, reported to USA Today that the VA continues to retaliate against him and other whistleblowers. Recently, they isolated him from...
Have You Noticed Time Discrepancies In Medicaid Billing?
There are many different forms of fraud that involve billing Medicaid. In some cases, a doctor, billing specialist or medical business will intentionally bill for drugs, procedures or services that were never administered or performed. In other cases, doctors or...
Fischer Legal Group founder Andrea Fischer recently spoke on a local network discussing whistleblower cases