Three hundred and fifteen insurance companies are accused of leaving taxpayers with the bill. In what may be the largest whistleblower lawsuit in U.S. history, the multibillion-dollar whistleblower lawsuit alleges that the carriers did not cover the medical costs...
Blow The Whistle
And Do The Right Thing
At Fischer Legal Group, we help clients aggressively pursue justice in qui tam cases.
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Month: August 2021
Whistleblower status proposed for animal trafficking
Some are aware of how some criminals are illegally transporting and selling wild animals. Now, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) issued a new report providing ideas for clamping down on these illegal activities. Not only do these criminal acts plunder...
What does qui tam mean, and how does it relate to my whistleblower case?
Whistleblowers are essential to maintaining the integrity of American businesses and reducing fraud that can cost millions of dollars. While it can be challenging to come forward, knowing that the resulting case could be stressful, the government counts on people who...
Dispelling common myths about whistleblowers
Many stories about whistleblowers made it into films, news reports, podcasts, and books. Each premise is different, but they all come down to individuals or groups taking the brave step of coming forward about illegal government activity, crimes committed by...
U.S. Inspector General finds retaliation against six Voice of America execs
Voice of American is an independent state-run media service. However, six senior executives complained that the network had become a propaganda machine under the Trump administration. This complaint was spurred by the behavior of right-wing documentary filmmaker...
Homeland security watchdog whistleblower inquiry lacked substance
Former intelligence chief Brian Murphy made national news in the fall of 2020 when he went public about the Trump administration deliberately withholding reports about the rising tide of domestic extremism and Russia’s ongoing interest in influencing national...