Throughout your life, you likely had individuals tell you to report any wrongdoing you may have witnessed. As you got older, you may have found this action more difficult, as certain circumstances made you question whether you should make someone else’s actions known. However, when it comes to an employer carrying out unlawful practices, filing a claim may help correct wrongs that could hurt many individuals and entities.
Of course, you may worry about potentially facing retaliation if your employer finds out that you filed a report regarding his or her actions. However, certain protections may allow you to feel more confident in following the right course in making the unjust actions known.
Protection through acts
A variety of lawfully-created acts, such as the Clean Air Act and the False Claims Act, exist in order to protect people and the environment. When a company violates any of the pertinent acts, the owners and operators of that company could face serious consequences. As a result, many company owners may go to great lengths in hopes of keeping violations quiet. They may even attempt to threaten certain punishments against employees if they feel a worker may file a report.
Luckily, many acts offer protections for whistleblowers, or individuals who report wrongdoing by their employers. If you as an employee believe that a violation has occurred and file a claim that your employer has violated the law, you should not face any retaliatory efforts on the part of your employer due to protections under certain state and federal laws.
Unjust retaliation
Unfortunately, some employers may go against the protection provided by the law and retaliate against you anyway. This retaliation may come in the form of dismissal from your job, unnecessary hindrances in the workplace or other actions directed toward you to make your situation more difficult. If you feel that you have faced retaliation, you have options for addressing this issue.
You can address retaliation by filing a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration within 30 days. If the contacts at OSHA validate your complaint, you may have cause to pursue further legal action in hopes of rectifying your current situation.
In order to fully understand your options for addressing retaliation and understanding whistleblower protections, you may wish to consult with an experienced New York attorney. This legal professional could help make your situation less stressful while working with you to protect your rights.