The pharmaceutical company Biogen Inc. out of Cambridge, Massachusetts, agreed to pay $900 million to settle allegations that the company caused false billing submissions to Medicare and Medicaid. The company was accused of paying illegal kickbacks to doctors who...
Blow The Whistle
And Do The Right Thing
At Fischer Legal Group, we help clients aggressively pursue justice in qui tam cases.
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False Claims Act
SEC proposes smart changes for whistleblowers
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced two new amendments on February 10. The objective is to bolster its successful whistleblower program further and address some issues raised by rule changes passed in 2020. The proposals One proposed amendment allows the...
SCOTUS will not hear whistleblower protection for ex-employees case
The United States Supreme Court issued a statement on January 24 saying it will not review a split in federal appeals court rulings over whistleblowers who face retaliation after leaving their jobs. The announcement refers to a 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling...
Dozens caught in CARES Act fraud cases
Many businesses were lucky enough to receive government aid and assistance in the past year. Often this was through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which introduced significant federal spending to support and stabilize the economy,...
DOJ encourages cyber-security whistleblowers to step forward
The news surrounding cyber security is increasingly alarming as hackers seem to breach private and municipal computer systems with impunity. In response, the Department of Justice announced a Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative that will combat emerging threats to critical...
Record whistleblower award for the derivatives market
On October 21, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced that it awarded nearly $200 million to a whistleblower. This is the largest award to a single whistleblower under the CFTC whistleblower program. According to the agency, the whistleblower's...
What does qui tam mean, and how does it relate to my whistleblower case?
Whistleblowers are essential to maintaining the integrity of American businesses and reducing fraud that can cost millions of dollars. While it can be challenging to come forward, knowing that the resulting case could be stressful, the government counts on people who...
A brief history of qui tam lawsuits
The term “qui tam” has a long history in the law. The term itself is an abbreviation of a Latin phrase meaning “to sue in the name of the king” and came to the U.S. via English common law. Essentially, it allows an individual to act on behalf of the government to end...
New York’s False Claims Act is one of the best for reports of tax fraud
As we have discussed many times before in past blog posts, whistleblowers play an essential role in our society. They help protect the general public and ensure legal fairness. They often do this by reporting ethical and financial wrongdoing they witness. And, unlike...
US joins whistleblower suit against Arriva Medical for kickbacks
The False Claims Act allows private parties -- often the employees of companies that contract with the government -- to file lawsuits on the government's behalf. When these whistleblowers have evidence of fraud, waste or abuse in a government contract, they can sue to...