Under the False Claims Act (FCA), the government and private parties alike have an opportunity to sue anyone who fraudulently has made a claim for government-regulated funds. Some examples of violations of the FCA include a company or individual filing a Medicare...
Blow The Whistle
And Do The Right Thing
At Fischer Legal Group, we help clients aggressively pursue justice in qui tam cases.
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Month: June 2017
The University of Rochester is ordered to repay Medicaid $100,000
The University of Rochester's Medical Center (URMC) has agreed to reimburse both the state and federal governments the $113,722.10 that they are alleged to have illegally pocketed. URMC is alleged to have violated both the New York False Claims Act as well as federal...
New York False Claims Act and tax fraud Qui Tam litigation, P.2
Last time, we mentioned that some states are currently looking at New York's whistleblower statute as a possible model for prosecuting tax fraud. As we noted, there are currently nine states which allow whistleblowers to pursue Qui Tam cases based on tax fraud. Not...
Portrait of a whistleblower
What kind of person contemplates blowing the whistle on his (or her) organization? In the movies, whistleblowers are typically portrayed as heroic figures - risk-takers, with nerves of steel, ethical above all else. In real life, it's not so black and white. In our...
Have you noticed time discrepancies in Medicaid billing?
There are many different forms of fraud that involve billing Medicaid. In some cases, a doctor, billing specialist or medical business will intentionally bill for drugs, procedures or services that were never administered or performed. In other cases, doctors or...