The federal False Claims Act (FCA) aims to combat fraud against the U.S. government by allowing private citizens to file lawsuits on the government’s behalf and share in any recovery. In doing so, these whistleblowers will receive legal protection against retaliation....
Blow The Whistle
And Do The Right Thing
At Fischer Legal Group, we help clients aggressively pursue justice in qui tam cases.
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Year: 2024
Can you get fired from your government job for whistleblowing?
The Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) protects federal employees in the United States who report government wrongdoing. This law aims to prevent retaliation, such as firing or demoting employees who disclose misconduct within their workplaces. Nevertheless,...
3 medical billing practices that can lead to qui tam lawsuits
Medical billing practices are subject to numerous state and federal regulations. Particularly when a hospital or other medical facility accepts government insurance programs, including Medicaid and Medicare, careful adherence to all regulations is crucial. Health care...
5 red flags for Medicaid fraud in nursing homes
Medicaid serves as a lifeline for millions of seniors. This vital program can cover the total cost of nursing home care for eligible individuals. However, the system faces threats from fraudulent practices. Recognizing signs of Medicaid fraud in nursing homes helps...
How to legally gather evidence for Qui Tam whistleblowing
Have you ever suspected your employer of overbilling on a government contract? Qui tam lawsuits allow individuals to file cases on behalf of the government against those committing fraud. Many New Yorkers, however, face uncertainty about legally gathering evidence....
Speaking up in health care: Beyond the False Claims Act (FCA)
The False Claims Act (FCA), mainly known for combating fraud against the government, has been a strong tool for whistleblowers in the health care industry, especially in cases involving Medicare and Medicaid fraud. But aside from the FCA, there are other laws that...
Whistleblower rights and protections in defense contracting
Defense contractors play a key role in supporting our national security. Because of this, they often handle sensitive information, large sums of public money and important national interests. Any violations or acts of misconduct can potentially compromise public...
3 types of medical professionals who may become whistleblowers
Professionals don't take positions with companies assuming that they’ll have to act as whistleblowers. Most professionals look for positions at reputable companies where their employment should remain stable for the duration of their time at the company....
Identifying signs of Medicare fraud
Medicare is a lifesaving federal program for millions of seniors, people with disabilities, people with low income and more. Sadly, various groups and individuals commit fraud against the program—resulting in billions of dollars of stolen healthcare funds. Medicare...
Can whistleblowers remain anonymous?
Potential whistleblowers' most significant concerns are retaliation and safety. Knowing they can report illegal conduct safely without fearing for their lives is integral to becoming a whistleblower. Fewer people would report fraud and illicit acts without that safety...